
Drown a dog

hey sods.

goin thru sum crappy phase recently. hence the lack o posts.
- not able to see the love of my life, until next year
- fined for parking "illegally"
- crashed into another car
- not gettin the "road trip"

About the car crash, don't ask how much I gots ta pay fer the repairs. I don't need sympathy for that kind of shit. Accident happened. I paid fer the shits. End o Story. Providin sympathy won't change nothing...instead please go drown a dog. That at least wud entertain me temporarily.

Ahhh...much betta...



Ho sods,
hows life treatin y'all? Good I hope. Yeah, surprising innit? I can be caring at times.
Anyways, my day today...hmm...pretty much can be sliced like a blueberry pie into 3.

Slice #1 - Morning, 0800hrs. Went to the conference room for the Work-Plan Seminar held by the Principal. That wus a doozy. I mean, im sure the topics mentioned were pretty important. But hey, the whole shindig wus dry as the Gobi Desert...uh yeah..moving on.

Slice #2 - Afternoon, 1300hrs. Stuff began to pick up. Went to the Singapore Flyer with the rest of the teachers & staff. Sad to say, the weather wasn't so accomodating. Torrential rain whipped the whole of Singapore. So at the apex of the ferris wheel, which stands at 165m, all i could see was endless grey... I applaud the School Committee for organising such a trip, but hey it is November ya know...rainy season...bah...

Slice #3 - Night, 2015hrs. Me favourite slice o the pie! Finally attended the Fighter's Class. Held at the Kyokushin dojo i frequent. Also lead by my sensei. Seriously intense.. especially the workout. 15mins of jump-rope, 100 push-ups, 100 leg-raises and 100 alternate-jumps. That's 1 rep. Imagine doing 4 reps. The following sparring session was much more fun, albeit it would have been even better if i wusnt sapped off me energy from the work out. But managed ta cross-train with other martial art practitioners. Sanshou and kickboxing. So tis awesome! AWESOME!!!

Quite a fulfilling day of sorts... Oh, and to cap off the night, I now have me very own Litanies of Hate! What in the bleeding hell is dat you say? All shall be revealed in due time. Laters sods.


Thus endeth Sunday

Worked out like crazy earlier this morning. Preparing to feast on what I thought would be an excellent cuisine during a wedding function later on the afternoon. How wrong I wus. Totally disgusted by the whole wedding function. Bad enuff for me to spend just 10mins there and then left for home.

Hooked up with Bob afterwards. Decided to get some apparels. But just so happened there were nothing suitable. Played Street Fighter 4 at the arcade & following that, chilled with him. Talked about the bullshit of horoscopes, girls(as per norm) and how the circle of friends he got me in is full o politics and backstabbings. Got back, checked on the latest football news (Man Utd won 5-0!) & UFC results. The Natural lost his belt. Tis a sad day indeed.



Finally, the weekend comes. And not a moment too soon. Helping out with the P1 orientation and Prize giving ceremony. Kept telling the comperes to relax when giving out the speeches. The whole shindig pretty much went smoothly for my part. Heck i care even if it didnt. During the lunch buffet in the library talked with some o the teachers. Apparently, a handful is bailing outta the school. Leaving for greener pastures hahaks.

Towards the end of the day, the Principal tasked me to create a powerpoint for her on Sequoia trees... thanks for the last-minute work. Really luv it. She asked me why the Sequoia trees have shallow roots, with a weird smirk plastered on her face.
I answered "Cuz the frosted soil makes it hard for the roots to dig deeper, so they jus scour near to the surface for nutrients."
At this point in time i don't even know whether that shit wus true. Apparently it made Mrs P ponder... ahh well, if you can't convince them, confuse them ey?

With work behind me, i started the trek back home. Then detoured to a hair-salon. Got me hair trimmed with some customization. Me mom took it too hard, and literally cried when she saw my hair...

The Warp shall overtake! Laters sods!



...the kids are gettin their Dec hols. Heh, good fer them & good fer me. Peace & silence shall reign supreme for 6 weeks. Woooot! And today also being the last day of school permanently for the graduating classes, as per normal, girls from said classes were cryin & huggin...basically emotions were running high on rocket fuel. or sumthin. but yeah. it wus really an intense moment for em.

In anycase looking forward for the downtime in school.

On top o dat, can't wait to revisit Phuket! Sawadekool!

Plus the possibility of having a Road Trip in M'sia with Ricky & Fat Tony!

Awesumus Maximus!


I love Monday! Fighting Monday!

Monday rawks! Especially when you are accompanied by


Let's Fighting Love bitches!!!


One with the Highway

gah. Man Utd lost. dat is enuff to shove me moods into doldrums again.
Prior to that, woke up at 0600hrs. Got ready to make the road trip with ma folks down to me neighbourin country, M'sia. Specifically, Batu Pahat. I love drivin along the M'sian Highway. Just the stretch o road with the horizon beckoning me. Wut happened in Batu Pahat? I dunno. Heh. Not important to me. Im just One with the Highway.

Got back, checked me inbox. Received new pix of my Fire Angel. WOOOOt! Darl, have you ever stopped being awesome?! Im impressed babe, seriously. You look hawt!
Me battle-brothers had an online conclave. Raz, will henceforth be known as Fat Tony!
Xiao jie Grace finally graced me with her escapades. Right on sis...you damn happening ar!

Did i mentioned Man Utd lost? Bollocks!


malays, mat rep and minahs

Im racist. Such a racist sod that i hate my own race. Especially the ones collectively known as "Mat Reps" & "Minahs"...heh...Goddamn waste of sperms and ova...
Well no more!
I say, stop all this hatin'!
Those maggots sure are the bane of Malay society. But ultimately they are still human beings. Albeit, the sorry excuse ones. Their heresies and blasphemies are drowning my beloved brown people. I realized tho, for me to pursue this justified hatred towards them won't bear me any satisfaction. Why waste energy on hatin'... Enuff with the hatin'...
Just as long as they do not cross my path, I'm coo with their shenanigans. Leave em be. Who knows, they might wipe each other out. I pray us Malays are that lucky.

Sidetrackin' a bit. School will be closin' in 4 days time. Sweetness! A month plus of blissful silence in the campus. Leavin' me alone with my techadept comrade Hengky to our on devices! Woot! To my kid sis, beb just reconcile with ina k...talk it out with her Grace.

Say "NO" to hatin'!


Storm-Fist...phase 1

Been working on this concept for quite awhile. Without much preamble, I give you trembling maggots...

Ah the sweet taste of success in conjuring up the coat-of-arms! Next up, total domination of the Cosmos!