
Mark of Champions

Today is such a slow and uneventful day... if not for this

... I'd probably die of boredom. Or sport a bald look. In anycase thank the Powers for creating such beautiful monstrosities. My life feels more meaningful now.

Catch the story of Mr Welch and the Giant Stingray here. I cant help but admire the look on his face. That ladies and gentlemen, is the Mark of Champions.


Bluest of night

Tis official man and maggots everywhere... I have been bestowed the blue belt after going through grading back in January.
In other kyokushin-related news, my sensei will be flyin off ta Japan for 3 years to accompany his spouse. Takin over him is another sensei several dans higher. Around mid 40s and goes by the name Sensei Bong. Jyeah, "pop some bong" alrite... He looks pretty much on the heavier-side o the universe, but hot damn! He can do 50 knuckle push-ups without breaking a sweat.

And so there i wus, driving back in the night, celebrating my blue belt-endowment alone. Hawhawhaw. Jus vibing out, gettin the blues & shit. A typical night for yours truly.

Sod off now...


week of inebriation

inebriation. - to exhilarate, confuse, or stupefy mentally or emotionally.

yeah. Das how i feels last week.
My birthday falls sumwhere in said week as according to Pope Gregory, may the Powers That Be grind his soul. Anyways where was i? Oh yeah, my birthday. Went out for dinner with my folks, like we always do. Had a night out at Arab St, puffin vanilla-laced shisha (or sheesha..i dunno) with me sods. Thanks go out ta Daddy & Tony. Aint much o a celebration either cuz we do dat almost every other week. But in the end, it's the company that counts ey? Never much cared about me bday. To me, tis jus another day whereby i'm still breathing and farting on God's green Earth.

Valentine's Day. St Valentine. Fuck him. Yeah i said it. Anyways, Vday this year... well pretty much exhausted me in more ways than one.
So exhausted that im still feeling the after-effects today. Jus feel like punching the kids silly.

soddin off to work. laters.


Major bummer

"..Big boobs from different Nation!" as quoted from Daddy.

Made another kid cry. The first for 2009. The first of many...

Other news wus that I'm a disappointment and will be ignored.

Das all for now...