
Night 'Neath the Gantry

In the sweet words of Jocke Gotheburg formerly of Marduk fame, currently in Dimension Zero, "The only good human, is a dead human".

School has finally started. Kids are back. The noises have returned. Jezuzzz...Back to the torments. Had 2 lil inquisitive girls in the form of Hera & Grace disturbing my abode. Thanks for the company and thanks for devouring my snacks. I'm sooo gonna strangle you 2 hahaks!

As of recently, informed my HOD(head of department) IT that i is gonna jump ship from me current job. Heading to greener pastures in the Ministry o Education (MOE). And when i mean greener, i mean more cash comin ta me... you know..green..universally accepted color for money...greener..more greens...DAMN YOU! nevermind...

Anyways..here are some 2009 New Year Celebration pix i took. Yes, stuck underneath a gantry while the skies exploded.

Cant really appreciate the majesty in these small resolution. But yeah, the impact were there. Mighty indeed.

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