
Sitrep Sundays

How is you fleshbags doing? Been a long time since the last post I know. I do apologise....grudgingly. Been busy with helping me comrade with our project. Top of that, working on my own personal project.

Right now I have the crazy urge to sever my genitals. For the better of Mankind... especially the female specy.

Umm anyways.. here is a sneak peek on the personal project mentioned above.

(Click on it for a bigger view)


Sitrep Sundays

S'been a long time indeed. Work has distracted too much of me time. Suffice to say, after August I'd probably have more time to redirect my energies into other areas of interest. What happened since me last post and now you say? Well, me and me comrades conquered Koh Samui... Twas a hard and grueling mission, but in the end all was complied. Some what. Here be the link to the picts: Koh Samui Compliance Campaign.
In other recent development, my friend of 6 years Fahry came down for a short visit. Hailing from Riau, Sumatra and weighing at about 140lbs he made his return with a fine addition of his wife. Didnt meet her though due to me tight schedule.

Til then meatbags.


Sitrep Sundays

Again, we arrive at this point in time. First off me chest; the imagos are yet to be ready. Hectic post-exams activities are eating up me time. Nonetheless, they will arrive.

Nothing much to mention besides my sojourn to M'sia, Malacca & Selangor during the weekend. Former was to till the land while the latter was for a grave visit & meeting up with a comrade for the very first time, Alia. Works as an English-language educator. Met up somewhere in Petaling Jaya at a mall called Jaya One. Quite a drastic contrast to Singapore's malls. Twas quiet and chill for a Saturday evening in a mall. Had a late lunch with her at some Korean BBQ restaurant. Immediately regretted as the food was a total suckfest. We both made an oath to never patronize that eatery no more. She then gave me a mini tour...apparently she don't know much about the mall either. Heh.

(Dun let her size fool ya, she's a feisty one oy.)

Thereafter, back to Malacca and more farming action. Farmer B yo.


Sitrep Sundays

Tis a rainy Sunday night. I found meself singing along to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance while driving on the highways of Singapore.The Warp is an insidious if not infectious tumor indeed.

Updates of the week? Nothing much since kids be having exams. Im invigilating. Slow and slower as it gets to the weekend. Worked on some drawings. Will be displayed digitally soon. Hang in there maggots. Oh and Noi's brownies are quite nice.


Sitrep Sundays

We are returned. A slow week, which picked up towards the end. Exam week back in school so the grubs be all busy & shit muggin for the papers. Fine by me. Less noise, more productivity. Saw some sad sad faces during me invigilation. Buck up y'all!

  • Thursday: I and I kinda messed up the late dinner vibes between D-King and his consort. I truly apologize yea son... Should put a restraining order on me pie-hole.

  • Saturday: Much better... went for me colleague's birthday party. Edd be his name & drummin be his game... uhh yea... His mates were pretty much ok, very courteous & nice...
Edd, Shayra and the Awesomeness Himself

Later on after ditching his "party" giving my respect and leaving him to his fate, hooked up with me battle-sods. The usual suspects being D-King, Tony & Bob. We's gonna have ourselves some bbq das rite! Hopped our asses to the Magical Mall of Mustafa, got the necessary items (the charcoal acquisition was a bitch tho) and sped off to Sembawang Park. Twas a successful if not messy bbq. We brought our on lil bbq pit and searched fo a secluded area. Took awhile ta get da fire goin, but once it did a whole lotta fun and excitement ensued. Heh blackened be the word o da nite. The beach wus pretty awesome at nite with the undulatin waves givin us sum hypnotisin effect. Awesome indeed.

Feast fit for kings... or for a Daemon King at least.

The formation that has brought many a Terror-filled existence.

With that, I will take me leave of this digital plane and back to reality...back to mastu work..
Just ta add, Kimbo Slice of UFC-fame has been cut from the company's roster after gettin pounded. I always knew he's jus a cheap gimmick. Ya can't roll with em big boys ya ghetto gorilla. Stick ta beatin up skank hoes behind yo house.

Ya can put that tongue ta betta use. Like ass-wipin or sumthin.


Sitrep Sundays

Slow uneventful week. The Warp has been quiet lately... and also work has been occupying 70% of me attention. Will provide the "Awesomeness" soon, Emperor willing.
Be safe!


Sitrep Sundays

Well met. Today's post will be dedicated to Tony, Ricky (Daemon King) & Bob.

Twas a rainy Thorsday afternoon. There I and I was, stuck at work, filmin some kids acting out a horror short film. Once das a wrap, quickly made me way down ta Bugis where Tony wus awaiting. Had ta skipped da Corvus Tactical Pattern Drill just cuz o dat filmin gig. Once our powers combined, we head on down to Hougang ta further cement our place in the universe by havin Daemon King join our ranks. From there, twas ta Bedok Corner where we rendezvous with Hafiz & Bob to complete our unholy pact. Filled our guts with cholesterol-laden food and jus hang a bit before Hafiz retired back to his domicile.
We decided there and then ta "chill" at Bedok Reservoir. So just us 4 in our most horniest moment with no ladies for leagues. Wat ever happened there, "chillin" wasnt even close. We defiled the very water in the reservoir with our bodily fluids, trespassed onto a flotilla, acted like we jus downed a bottle o LSD and probly blew each other. And then we went home to reflect on wut jus happened.

The rest o the week wus lost in da blur o da moment. And das how Bedok Reservoir was destroyed in our love explosion.


Sitrep Sundays

Yea... it has come to this. Sunday be the best day to reflect, comment and reminisce on events/incidents/occurrence. Fridays just happen to be tight. Henceforth I will initiate Sitrep Sundays! Without further ado:

  • Tuesday. Oversee the kids taking their Physical Fitness Test. Glad to note that 60% meets the cut off point. Me thinks kids nowadays spent too much time in front of the dumb-box, that's why the other 40% are struggling just to jump.

  • Friday. Me and me work colleague treat a quartet of lil girls out to ice cream. Surprisingly, they indoctrinated me with some of their so-called "fun activities". Which I admit is fun. To quote, "And this is how we Gigolo!"... heh.
    Following which, met up with Daemon King and his consort, Bob & Tony. We all had dessert at Mr. Beans. Sinful Brownie is basically sinful.

  • Saturday. Hooked up with Bob, since I and I was in the 'hood. We then hooked up with Hafiz. Ended up going to Bedok Corner, having late dinner while we enjoyed watching Chelsea FC falters. This time, for dessert I had uhh...Molly's Brownie.

  • Sunday. Bob, Tony and me watched Kick Ass. A movie made just for me. Violence, humor, a hot girl, ambiguous hints on homosexuality AND comics.
Till then sods...



As mentioned in me previous post, I and I be working on a piece of image most awesome. A working title at the moment. Meant for printing and to scare old folks.

This here be the sketch I and I did to get the general flow. Decided on the Assyrian/Sumerian look due to the lack of exposure here in Singapore.

Here be the refined line-work. Further enhancement done in Adobe Photoshop CS4.

And here be the color version, done in Adobe Flash CS4. As of the moment the piece is still unfinished. Tremble and cry in despair fleshbags!


Sitrep Fridays

Damn..if this keeps up I and I have ta change it to Sitrep Saturdays.

  • My grand cogitator machine has been given the proper rites and rituals by the infamous Enginseer Bob. May the machine spirit not fuck me no more.
  • The Koh Samui Compliance Campaign is in motion now. The final roll call is: Tony, Ricky(Daemon King), Daddy, Unca Johnny, Jesper, Benson, and two new initiates Hafiz & Jerric. They will be anointed in due time. And last but definitely not the least, yours truly. Sadly Enginseer Bob has pulled off from the campaign due to certain circumstances.
    The date of deployment will be on the 12th - 16th June.

  • I and I have been working on some images which be used to display the awesomeness and shit like that. Will give y'all maggots a taste of it all in due time seen.


Sitrep Fridays

Another amazing moment with Sitrep Fridays brought to y'all by The Emperor's Slave. Late again as is usually the case eh.. The Lord, thy God, knows I and I probably needs ta switch it ta Sunday if me was ta meet da deadline mon.

Anyways,this week be a good week for Christians. Tis good friday foo! This be da day whereby their lord, the godson Jesus died fo their sins circa 2000years ago. Well all i could say; thank be to da public holiday. Me PC decided to die on me on such a "holy" day too. Major bummage indeed.

Safe ta say the trip ta Koh Samui been progressive smoothly after a few bumpages. All me sods have transferred da cash needed. Plane tix be reserved. Accomodations at the moment still under arrangement. Resort name be Chaba Samui Resort. Feast thy eyes puny mortal!

Now cry me Name!!! uhh..in anycase jyeah dat be da place where I and I be havin me sweet ass resting on come June mon. The Compliance is in full swing indeed!


Sitrep Fridays

Another late entry. Will be explained in due course. With that said, here I and I go seen...

Nothing outta da blue happened. Besides the Sports Meet whereby I am on task again to oversee the gits. Congrats to Ms Andala for hittin gold. Fine fine fine...ice cream ya gots it aye.

Me Friday, which just expired a few hours ago was spent being observed by a professore under the services of the guvnor earlier in the day.
Later on towards evening, stood by watching me school girls strutting to some Korean pop song. Did not impress me much. I've seen Bob danced better.
Following which went for a gathering with Ricky(Daemon King) and his consort, Scary Sherry & Bob. Turns out, Scary Sherry was having some reunion with her schoolmates. So I being the mighty and bountiful, gatecrashed the whole shebang. S'all good seen.
Even later, circa 2320hrs, me, Bob, Ricky & Sherry dropped by me usual haunt. Dragged all da way til 1am. Hence the late entry.

Now. Now I am at Bob's crib... banging his rectum. One love y'all.


Sitrep Fridays

Another Friday, another round o updates. This week being a school closure has granted me some peace from the kids. Kinda miss the kids though. So will be looking forward for the coming week when school reopens. Pain and punishment shall be judiciously applied soon.

Of note, participated in a street soccer tourney on Monday. Getting 2nd place and $100 was a great feeling. Kudos to me comrades for battling alongside me in the sweltering morning-midday sun.

Purchased another graphic novel. Vampire The Masquerade: Giovanni. Forget that teen flick/novel Twilight. You want a proper story that isn't choke-full o teen angst/romance/crap content, check out Vampire The Masquerade. Just wiki that shit. You won't live to regret it like how you regretted filling up your time with Twilight. Hahaha. And more hahahahahaha.

Besides that, the week has been another "rinse & repeat" of last week. Truly contented I am.


Sitrep Fridays

Here we go again ey... a bit late(again) i know...

Mon - Nothing much. Had to entertain the kids during their annual Sports Meet Heats. Lotsa screaming and sweating all around heh. The weather didn't helped.

- Arrived back to me domicile pretty early. Went for the Corvus Pattern Tactical Drill afterwhich hooked up with Bob. Foo had a lotta pent up anger ta release...which he duly did by scrounging on murtabaks. Where else but Victory to provide the daily oily-slab, lard-inducing nutritional needs. Even later, we hooked up with Tony. Rendezvous at the usual lookout point, had our Warp Translations and back again. Another one of me comrades, Hafiz joined us halfway through. So all in all, a very uhhh cosy sausage-fest i would say.

- Finally it rained. After going thru long periods of hot humid weather, in fact one of the hottest ever experienced in Singapore the rain came. In the fuggin morning...which makes the body resistant to waking up. One of me colleague, Mr Shah informed he was in the staff room circa 6.20am when he heard chattering coming from one of the cubicle. The staff room lights weren't fully switched on. He spoke from his desk which is 2 - 3 aisles away but there was no reply and the chattering just died...creepy yes.

Thors - A repeat of Tuesday. But this time around Daddy did came down from his throne. Ricky or Daemon King as he would like to remind us lowly subjects, graced us with his presence too. Discussed more on the upcoming expedition to Koh Samui and other relevant/irrelevant topics.

Fri - The closure. Will be granted a week off from terrorisin the kids at school. Got meself Hellboy: The Wild Hunt. Awesome artwork & plot. Nothing stirs me more than seeing a lil red runt massacre a pack(?) of Giants. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Did I mentioned me love for mythologies? Well I loves it! And this book has all the elements necessary to make me wet myself.

Next up, I received a parcel containing a graphic novel ordered from the US. The Haunter of the Dark. A graphic book with trippy, eyeballs melting images. I kid ya not. This book is some serious mindfuck. Whats it about? HP Lovecraft, Cthulhu. Describes it all. Besides that, if ya'll looking for esoteric and macabre books? Check this here; I gots this tome from that very website.

A huge boost to my lack of drive on drawing after seeing these two books. Til then, may the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs be with you. Failing which go and stroke yourself.


Sitrep Fridays

Evening. I know...I know...today's Saturday. Well, I was uh... busy trying to advise Bob on Friday. Not much to update in any case. Pretty much a subdued week.

Did catch a movie though;
Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief. The hero is Percy, some delinquent school kid who's daddy is Poseidon, Lord of the Seas. An African-American kid who's actually a Satyr is his guardian. And of course, can't complete the whole party without a girl ey? Roundin up Percy's posse is this female kid, daughter of Athena. Here's the synopsis. Percy was framed for stealing Zeus's mega lightning bolt. Goes off on a quest to redeem his name. All sorta shenanigans happened. And the Queen of Hell had her way with the Black Satyr. They sure aren't coy about promoting pedophilia/semi-bestiality. Go see this if you feel like wanting to see some children in "action" hawhawhaw.

Besides that, Daddy blew us off again. Sigh.


Sitrep Fridays

Gonna start with this new thang... Sitrep Fridays.
Purpose: To give weekly updates in just one posting.
Why: I have been infected with the deadly sloth-virus; very prevalent amongst me race.
When: Bleedin' Hell... it aint called Sitrep FRIDAYS fo nuthin rite? rite....
Unless I'm feelin extra breezy and gots like nuthin to do AND the need to mentally rape and ravage your mind, shall I then unleash more post from me bowels. So in the meantime, Sitrep Fridays shall accompany you to your sleep.

So wats da update for this week? Glad you asked. Firstly, I avoided being conned by some elitist trainer into paying fo shit dat I know fo sho I can handle on me lonesome.
Secondly, Daddy deuced me & Tony big time on Thorsday night. Reason being he has a date. Das rite, all else diminishes in the presence of poon. You go DADDY!



Ho sods. Pretty much states itself eh. Feeling lethargic. Will have to stay awake for a meeting later on in the afternoon. Bleeding Hell. Damn you Wednesday. Yes I tend to blame the Addam Family's daughter in times like this.

Don't be fooled by her innocent face. They's all lies! LIES! Best be looking forward for Thorsday; rendezvous with Daddy & Tony.


Of Wolf and Man

Recently caught Wolfman in the big screens. Not really impressive. Thanks to the gratuitous application of gore did the movie managed to keep me attention. Yes, I thrive on violence. The story also depicts how a woman, who just lost her fiance to the savageries of the wolfman, can quickly get over that situation by flirting judiciously with the dead sod's brother.

6 outta 10 cuz im feeling generous due to the unfaithful nature of that bitch hahaha.

--------------------*insert wolf howl here*------------------------

Afterwards, had a lil gathering with my comrades. S'been awhile since last I saw them(although Bob is the constant). Den(the fine young Chinese chap) and Noi(the rose amongst the thorns) all reported to be managing with their jobs. Chilled at Starbucks and Arab St. We ended up buying groceries and a pair o dumbbells shortly before wrapping the night up. Yeah. We did.


Void Immersion

Aite sods. Got me hands on Dark Tranquillity's latest album: We are the Void. Indeed it sent me on an express trip to the Void. Haunting keyboard touches, simple yet addictive riffs with the rhythm section charting the course. Finally the raspy and tortured vocals. Bottom-line is, the songs all made me shiver like a little girl who just discovered the wonder of masturbation. Uh.
Go and get the album when it's out. Worth every hard earned cash. The cover aint impressive though


Ko Samui Compliance Campaign: Pre-planning

Das rite sods. Me and the revolution be heading due north to Ko Samui, Thailand. At the moment Tony, Ricky, Bob(kinda?), Daddy, Benson, Jasper and Weiyong are in. Date of execution has been agreed; on June pants will be soiled and mothers shall lament the day we step foot on Ko Samui.
Further details shall be revealed as we go along.


*Unavailable Video

Due to Youtube's vice-like control of the content that passes thru it, the video that i've linked will no longer be available. But hey, nuthin much about it. Just some gerl being molested by 4 dravidian mofos. Be back later.


Midweek updates

Education Phase 1 has begun. Familiarization process almost complete. Optimism Gauge is set to moderate.

Nothing of interest to note. There is but one piece of event that put a smile on my oft-times stone visage. Have a look..

Das rite kiddos.
Beach Party + Bikini + Booze = Deadly Combination.
Or for this unlucky(lucky?) girl's case; Groping Galore.


1st post for 2010

Hurrah. Welcome 2010. Ended it on a "high" note hawhawhaw. Resolutions? To kick ass all year long!

Das rite Nacho! I will have it. Not jus fo this weekend, but throughout the 52 weeks. And woe to those who stand against me. Y'all have been warned.