
Sitrep Fridays

Another amazing moment with Sitrep Fridays brought to y'all by The Emperor's Slave. Late again as is usually the case eh.. The Lord, thy God, knows I and I probably needs ta switch it ta Sunday if me was ta meet da deadline mon.

Anyways,this week be a good week for Christians. Tis good friday foo! This be da day whereby their lord, the godson Jesus died fo their sins circa 2000years ago. Well all i could say; thank be to da public holiday. Me PC decided to die on me on such a "holy" day too. Major bummage indeed.

Safe ta say the trip ta Koh Samui been progressive smoothly after a few bumpages. All me sods have transferred da cash needed. Plane tix be reserved. Accomodations at the moment still under arrangement. Resort name be Chaba Samui Resort. Feast thy eyes puny mortal!

Now cry me Name!!! uhh..in anycase jyeah dat be da place where I and I be havin me sweet ass resting on come June mon. The Compliance is in full swing indeed!

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