Xmas Day
a chance meeting with Michael P Cottam
How I meet him. It was a cool Friday night, 18/12/09 in Starbucks. Sippin' hot delicious cocoa while drawing my personal comic. Noticed a person standin beside me, but I wasn't bothered with. Said person finally tapped me shoulder. All the rest, as they say, is history.
He recommended that I join a programme as a Game Artist at a campus he is teaching. Dropped him an email he said if I'm interested. Sounds interesting. Will consider.
the Great Winter Depression
What is the Great Winter Depression you ask? Verily twas foretold that the great Swedish Masters, OPETH, are going to give the undeserving populace of Singapore their unique brand of musical virtuoso. The date has been placed on the 28th of November. It seems the Power That Be has denied Singaporeans the tantalizing sweetness of Opeth. Oh Fate, thou truly art a cruel entity indeed... And thus the Great Winter Depression sets in on the balmy and oft-times wet environs of Singapore. All is not lost though; if Fate be willing, 2010 Opeth shall grace our shores. All I have to say is this: don't place all your bets on that. Take it from one who knows the acceptance (or lack thereof) towards Metal music in the local context.

Death of Tera
What is a man like me to do, in these times of darkness and despair? Should I climb the highest man-made building and jump down? Or should I lay on the ground as herds of rhino stampede all over me?
Nay. Nay I say thee! I have looked into the warp. And yes! Tis tempting to take the plunge, but only cowards and fools choose the path of damnation. Not for me, a fate such as that. For me, it is a setback, a major one, but I will have to struggle forward. In search of a new Vault. The Galaxy shall be spared from my attention for the time being.
Oy, Pipboy what reckon you?

Quick Updates

District 9 kicks all kinds of asses. Plot looks simple but the meanings are deep. Stop all the hatin'. Peace with the Prawns! + prawns plasma-rifle owns. 'Nuff said.

Whereas 9 can own my 'roids. Do not watch it unless you feel the urgent need to waste money AND approx. 70mins of your life. So much potential, screwed up by a clueless plot. Tim Burton ladies and gents. Sod off!

This one? Jin Notti? Well, it's about a female Jinn, named Notti. She doesn't like to do naughty things. Indeed.

Returning Point
Life's been damn hectic. Been a month plus since I last did any updating and/or came up with any new original content. Worry not all you genital warts, the Awesomeness shall resume!

2 Singaporeans drowned at Tioman Waterfall
I've personally been to said waterfall, twice in fact... Can't really gauge the danger levels though. But I do know it kick ass!
My gut feeling says that it aint the waterfall, but the denizens of the waterfall that caused the tragedy. Perhaps the drowned victims unknowingly desecrated certain sacred object thereabouts.
Some weird shit happened to me comrade, Ricky(shown below with the white pants w/ red splotches). He let loose a golden shower in the waterfall. It was all fine and dandy when we got back to our resort. But when night comes, Ricky experienced some other-worldly events. Safe to say he is still alive...albeit he'll never take a piss in such places no more. Lesson learnt.
Normalcy resumes
Hours of patrolling, sitting down, eating and playing scrabble with me boys. Heh. Praise the Power for the awesome company that came along with me for this deployment. As much as I love coming back to me daily routine, a wee part of me kinda misses the shit we went through together. Pseudo-British accent, ordering Pizza and smuggling it unbeknown by the other security details, going to a hospital speculated to be haunted for some adrenaline rush. Yes, the deployment IS THAT DEAD.
On a side-note, me and me boys didn't encounter any folks from the other side at the hospital. But we did manage to stop from running over a kitten due to my keen-observation skills. More content soon!
July updates
Aite. I know the follow up review for the Perhentian Island Campaign is long due. Truth be told, it has already lost the momentum. So I will just describe it thus; the campaign was a successful one. Objectives were met, namely: (1)Searching for the elusive waterfall and (2)building a bonfire (Refer to pictures above). On top of that, yours truly did a one and a half flip from on top of a jetty and landed face first into the water. The pain felt good. The left half of my face became lumpy and numb. All in all, awesome trip.
My new working environment is ok. New colleagues are decent sods too. Also, Im now a member of the elite California Fitness Club. Word yo.
Perhentian Chp1 - Roll Call
*Thunder and lightning rage across the skies as the 9 Names of Chaos were uttered...
Raz "Tony"
Weiyong "Yngwei"
Khai Bob of Woe
"Daddy" Shum
The Time is Nigh...
Normalcy shall resume on 22 June 2009. Laters sods.
Last Day at work
Besides that, I'm accused of certain things which weren't backed up with solid proof. For sure. To each their own.
It Strikes again
Gawd... Guvnor really having a ball leeching my money. To make it even worse, me car was just parked beside my crib... goddamn parkin lots all taken. The fug!
At least yesterday night was great. Drove to Nanyang Poly to hook up with Daddy who's still workin pass 9pm. Unbeknownst to him, I brought along 2 WMD in the form of Tony & Bob. Stressed Daddy up we did, playing around his office, fiddlin with all the gadgets and shit. Hawhawhaw.
Later on we had dinner at Al-Amin Restaurant at Bukit Timah. Had a good time catching up with all of em, especially Daddy & Bob. Glad ta know both of em are coming outta their respective shells.
As we drove back, everyone's in a good mood. Bob can't wait to get a special email from a special somebody. Daddy's expandin his network; not so shy around the ladies now ey? Heh, we started getting rowdy and shit, acting like a bunch of hooligans... shouting at sluts crossing the road. Ha. Can't help it I guess, the Malay genes in me.
And then... and then i got fined. Bitchin.
She's at it again
Fine day in a fine city
To the Warp with continuous double yellow lines!
E-Learning Day
Heh. Been answering phone calls since morning, most of which comes from anxious parents desperate to know why their child/ren can't submit or can't find the quizzes. It's boring work but hey I do me best to entertain them.
Other acts of vengeance I did as of recently; sparred with a friend of a friend. His primary style is boxing. Supposedly I'm in need of conditioning so my good friend, Hady hooked me up with his Polytechnic friend, Sharil(sp.?).
Dude's damn fast fo sho. Can't see his punches coming... next thing i know im having white spots in me vision. It was a good session. My knuckles still be sore; but the pain s'all worth it.
Alright back to work, maggots. That includes me too... more parents to entertain.
- Manchester United Football Club are the English Premier League CHAMPIONS...for the 3rd successive season. Sweet!
- Settled all the booking hassles for Perhentian Island. It will be a blast I promise you this. Never before has the universe trembled with the might of 9 schlongs combined. Yeah.
- Going to meet the flame of me life, the Muse to my mind in June, God-willing.
- Starting 22nd June, will be working for a different organisation. Still in the same line more or less. So worry not sweet children of Singapore.
- Has made reservations for a trip to Perhentian Island, Malaysia. The "Tioman Posse" will be expanded; 4 new bloods to join us in our Cosmic Domination. Invasion will commence on the 17th June.
- At a time when people are fussing over X-men Origins: Wolverine, I went to watch a Malaysian film entitled Jangan Tegur. A horror flick regarding disgruntled relatives, Siamese medium, pretty chicks being possessed and smattering of weak dialogues all over. I still like it though. Especially when one of the possessed chick starts to speak in tongues.
Malays are just enamored with the supernatural ever since way back before the advent of science. They still do. Part of the culture.
Now... now I'm just gonna slack.
half-way through the week, I squirted myself
Besides that, I just have to share this awesome picture posted by Chris Sims, blogger extraordinaire. Take it away...

when all you get is more distant from surface..
nothing like metal to get me through the drudgery of life... \m/
Swine Monday
Talking about swine; Fact. Christians can't eat swine/porcine products. Made some research regarding this. Check it here and here. But then again, those passages are from the Old Testament. So most of the nu-age Christians will say that the edicts don't apply to them, only to the Jews or whatever. The point being, since the bible is constructed of both the Old AND New Testaments, shouldn't the Old Testament be relevant? Yes? No? Who gives a swine fuck about this?
Friday musings
Pretty much went through the motions this week at work. Sweetest of all, earlier on today, made a boy cry. Deserves it too. Just the way I close me week, serenaded by the cries and whimperings of a pathetic grub.
Yesterday, Thursday that is, went on another journey through the Empyrean. Joining me in the venture were Bob & Tony. Truly, twas one of the better pipes I had. This time the joint be at
Sufi. Bob be on a titty roll as of recently. Heh, good for him.
Laters on after work, if all goes to plan according to me folks, we'd be driving up to Melaka. Will be back tomorrow.
here again
anyways, the Warp Translation has completed it's cycle. Friday's pipe as mentioned in the previous post, was kinda so-so. Saturday's hazy journey was slightly better; probably I'm just being biased due to the high amount of X-chromosomes surrounding me & Tony. Ricky couldnt make it due to some other commitment. Tried a new joint, Nasrin Restaurant. They serve kick-ass fries laced with paprika(or chilli powder?). The fish & chips are top notch too. The sheesha was ok, better than Friday's. Me & Tony just drifted in and out to the backdrop of Anathema's melancholic tunes. Almost reached the apex that is "Stim Bongok".
Sunday, was ok too. Met up with Daddy who is currently on reservist himself. Chilled at my port of call, Bugis Junction's Starbucks. Talked a great deal on how to get him some sweet lovin'... subsequently, Bob joined us for dinner. I even managed to purchase a comic, PROOF which is published by Image Comics. The premise is quite intriguing. Will describe it in more detail if my Spirit permits.
Anyways, I leave you now with an excerpt from Anathema's A Temporary Peace. Quite the masters of hopelessness and despair. Take it away Danny Cavanagh...
Beyond this beautiful horizon
lies a dream for you and i
this tranquil scene is still unbroken
but there's a storm closing in
the serenade is growing colder
and there's so many many thoughts
when I try to go to sleep
but with you I start to feel
a sort of temporary peace
there's a drift in and out...
hitting the pipe
Earlier on this morning, had a Meet-The-Parents session at work. Nothing worth mentioning there.
Later today will be going to meet Tony and hopefully Ricky. Bob as per norm has bubbled me yet again. Yup, things never change. Thank the Almighty for Malays. Daddy can be counted on to NOT answer his cellphone. Probably hit the other sheesha joint; Amirah's Cafe or Sufi.
Catch you simians when im done with me Warp Translation..
So now I'm at work, doing what I do best. Not doing work. Doing something else besides work. Blogging to be precise.
Later on, will have some dinner action with Bob & Rush... plus Rush's circle of friends. Im gonna be the camera-man again. Glad to know some things never change.
More to come...
Women Smell Better than Men
as mentioned in the title, women have a better sense of smell than men. no wonder they could tell whether you've been staying back in the office carrying your boss's nuts or out partying with the slutty secretary. you can't lie menfolk. women can sense it. that is a very horrifying prospect for those two/three-timing dicks out there.
er...anyways, i shall quote, "Female underarm sweat seems to communicate when a woman is fertile, making her more desirable to men." yeah, i know. it is one of those what-the-fug situations...
the entire article can be read HERE for your pleasure or displeasure. either way it makes all ponder.
another article HERE, which has a link to the former.

Tuesday. not much happening at work. taking some time from work to update the Gospel of the Mighty. jyeah. im full of myself. im gonna stay that way too.
I decided to bury StormFist. From its sweet death throes, out squirted PsycheStorm©. ready to invade your feeble minds. jyeah.
As for the weekend, well I have to thank Ricky for the notable quote "Toin Coss". truly a phrase to be remembered for all eternity. refer to Tony's entry over here.
And finally, Happy Birthday to the Flame of my Life. welcome you to the quarter centurions club.
probably going for karaoke session even later afterwards. that depends on how i feel after said interview.
Weed is gonna save us from cancer? Click here ta find out.
minutes like hours
in anycase, here is religion in brief:
#1: y'all know the chinese practice of burning papers fer the dead? apparently the dead needs teeth dentures, lingerie and treadmills. das jus awesome.
read it more here:
#2: muslims brothers who smoke. well you guys, especially those in Malaysia & Indonesia, are gonna spend a longer time in hell. jus so you know we are ALL going to hell. check it:
20 more minutes before i get to wank off. thank The Lord!
It is I, the Mighty one!, back to fill your puny minds with me great undertakings.
Let me take all of you back 3 days ago, Saturday to be precise. YES! I AM capable of time travelling. It is but one of the astronomical abilities that I possess. Stop interrupting!
Anyways, where was I? Ah, 3 days ago. It was circa 3pm in the afternoon. I expounded my plan to my allies all across this pitiful dirt that is Singapore, for a relaxing night of shisha, accompanied by sensual belly dancers. In the end, only one answered the call to arms. Tony. Yeah...
Bob had it in him to bubble me right at the very last minute of the last second. Congrats Bob. I'm not surprised that he stood me up, for it is in the Malay genes to commit such a heinous act. Yet for an ally to blow me off (it aint watcha think, sleaze-minded foos!) like that, it is next to heresy! But worry not Bob, for I am merciful, if not unforgiving.
Fast forward to Monday; I skipped Sunday for it is the day when the Mighty Ones rest. As I was saying, Monday. Went through work like a red-hot machete through animal fat. So it happened went out with me sister and mother. Stopped at Secret Recipe for slice of cakes. Apparently, the cretin of a waiter was trying to make a move on me sister. By using a cheap tactic; offering a complementary drink. All the time he was proclaiming that comple-fuckin-mentary drink he was looking at me sister. Probably trying to impress me mother. Bull-whore-shit I say! Just like a typical Malay. Complementary. Complementary... How about I is give you a complementary beat down, watcha say ta that weasel?!
Word o the day: Complementary.
Enough, I grow weary of this chatter. Begone all of you insufferable twits..
A new Disease is born
flesh be the host to agonizing putrefaction
I am Sickness unto you
Das my first forage into the world of Haiku.
In anycase Bob(aka Greater Great) gave a thought-provoking quote during the weekend. "A pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist". Think about it.
Rain, Scrabble and the Corpse revival
So, onwards we marched in the quest for me new pair o footwear. Once that has been taken care off we trudged on to the Expo Hall for a Bike + Motorcycle exhibition. Nothing of note to be mentioned.. besides a lady who bent over which gave us both the opportunity to traverse the Abyss.
On the Metal front... well praise be, the Great Corpse is back! Seemingly, these guys can do no wrong with their latest sledgehammer to the face; EVISCERATION PLAGUE.

There it is ladies and gentlecorpses. Sweet music to accompany me as I vent my fury on the unsuspecting kids. The production is solid, guitar riffs infectious, drumming and bass pummeling my scrotum and the vocals.. heh the Vokills... George Fisher aint called "Corpsegrinder" fer nuthing. Yeah the fore-father of Death Metal is pretty much slaying still!
See, even Unca Ronald agrees... right Unca Ronald?

Mark of Champions

... I'd probably die of boredom. Or sport a bald look. In anycase thank the Powers for creating such beautiful monstrosities. My life feels more meaningful now.
Catch the story of Mr Welch and the Giant Stingray here. I cant help but admire the look on his face. That ladies and gentlemen, is the Mark of Champions.
Bluest of night
In other kyokushin-related news, my sensei will be flyin off ta Japan for 3 years to accompany his spouse. Takin over him is another sensei several dans higher. Around mid 40s and goes by the name Sensei Bong. Jyeah, "pop some bong" alrite... He looks pretty much on the heavier-side o the universe, but hot damn! He can do 50 knuckle push-ups without breaking a sweat.
And so there i wus, driving back in the night, celebrating my blue belt-endowment alone. Hawhawhaw. Jus vibing out, gettin the blues & shit. A typical night for yours truly.
Sod off now...
week of inebriation
yeah. Das how i feels last week.
My birthday falls sumwhere in said week as according to Pope Gregory, may the Powers That Be grind his soul. Anyways where was i? Oh yeah, my birthday. Went out for dinner with my folks, like we always do. Had a night out at Arab St, puffin vanilla-laced shisha (or sheesha..i dunno) with me sods. Thanks go out ta Daddy & Tony. Aint much o a celebration either cuz we do dat almost every other week. But in the end, it's the company that counts ey? Never much cared about me bday. To me, tis jus another day whereby i'm still breathing and farting on God's green Earth.
Valentine's Day. St Valentine. Fuck him. Yeah i said it. Anyways, Vday this year... well pretty much exhausted me in more ways than one.
So exhausted that im still feeling the after-effects today. Jus feel like punching the kids silly.
soddin off to work. laters.
Major bummer
Made another kid cry. The first for 2009. The first of many...
Other news wus that I'm a disappointment and will be ignored.
Das all for now...
Pukesville has left the building
Oh, and the weekend's here. A long one at that. Due to China Nu Yah! Thanks to da yellowskins fer makin it happen. We brownfolks lovin it! or something. yeah.. Gong Xi Fa Cai! Xie Nian Kwai Le? enjoy sods!
Hormone drives sexy women to infidelity, says study
The ugly truth has been revealed..
despite it all...
rock & roll clown
i know, posting youtube vid isnt exactly new content. But hell, I jus gots ta share this ya know. And not forgettin, he DOES cocaine! Look up Murderface & Dr Rockso in the Metalocalypse series, truly the stuff of Legends!
In other news, my sensei has deemed me fit to undertake the blue belt grading. I appeal to the Powers That Be, grant me the awesomeness to kick ass so intense that the very foundations of Earth will shake! Osu!
Night 'Neath the Gantry

Cant really appreciate the majesty in these small resolution. But yeah, the impact were there. Mighty indeed.
2009 and reflections
well look who finally decided to show up...2009....heh... yeap, dat sod decided to make an appearance at last; creeping up on us like some slimy stalker.
tis only 0440hrs here. Das like only 2hrs o shut-eyes. Can't sleep. So wut can i do? I called my flame. Told to get some rest. Can't rest. Thought of wankin off. Can't wank. Dawned on me that I have yet to blog... so yeah, here i am. Blogging. Blog. Yeap. Can blog.
2008 has been such a crazy ride. High points and low points. Sadly lotsa low points. Me embodying the low points on most occasions. Jyeah. I have a long way ta go. And it looks like I have to hurry as the train don't seem ta be waitin no more.
Wus reminded over & over again, but I didn't realise till things are close to critical. Hurt her too much i have. Been killing meself every night knowing what I did... looking back at all those sweet Valentine's & Bday letters she sent me... Just didn't appreciate her enough and now I realised too late.. or is there still time? God knows...
Another low point is regarding me dad. For all ye sods out there, me dad is old-school, eccentric and oft-times irritating. Yeah das me dad. He recently had some ailing health-issues. Pretty much close to stroke-city... very sad sight indeed. For all his idiosyncrasies, he's still the person who raised me alongside me mum. God Almighty preserve me dad.
Well, not all is crumbling and falling-apart in ALIsville. The trip to Phuket, hmmm on a scale o 10 i'd give 6.5 or 7 at most. Can't top me Tioman trip. Das a definite Niner. So awesum dat it has ta be made into me banner of might! hawhawhaw. During me company's D&D, I was awarded the "Outstanding Performance" amongst 4 others. Dat wus a definite surprise ta me. Heh. On top o that cheap piece o printed A4 paper, my sweet employers saw fit ta throw in a $100 check! Hahaks..beggars can't be choosers ey? Here's I, at me finest hour:
With that, I welcome 2009 and lookin forward to suppress the surge of low-points.
Word on the street wus that God made everyone equal... i wonder to meself then, why am i fuglier compared to others? Why am I not well-off, livin the life o luxury?!
then i saw this...
till here gringos.