
Brand New Week

Monday. Back in school. Here are some brief updates:

  • went for a nite bbq with me sods
  • watched WANTED
  • made a kid cry

More details and in-depth discussions coming soon. For now enjoy a Happy Meal...courtesy of GREAT..

Have a pleasant week maggots!

(image courtesy of DC Comics)


Come death

Alright ya sods...

My first OFFICIAL blog... yes, thanks for the warm applause. Ok can it with the clappin! Where wos i? ah yes, me first official blog. Rightly so, after going thru some shitfest.. Makes me wake up and taking a cue from a certain person, start a brand new page in this piece o work I call Life.

I won't drag the intro too long... Well, what can I bring to fellow netizens with me blog? Brutality, Intensity, no-shit real life experiences and also Chivalry... yeap, that long forgotten notion (especially by the womenfolk).

Stay tuned sods!