

First off, let me wish all you pagans, heathens and scientologists an awesome Helloween. Just so you know, in Japan almost every month is Helloween. Over there it's called Cosplay though.

A touch of brilliance. Especially the pink bag.

The transition from my conscription and back to work seemingly left me jaded. In a creepy way i kinda miss the in-camp training. Can't believe i said it. But its gotta be said. Someone's gotta say it. Back at work... well as usual the kids still be fawning over yours truly. The lustre's almost diminished tho.

In other news. The exams are finally over. For the kids that is. So they all came out in full force. Making an almighty din in school. Lucky fer me, i only have to endure for another 2 weeks before the school holidays begin.

Before I leave, here's a message to all you haters out there. We'll blow your planet up! Word! But lemme go thru this jaded phase first.


I spy, with my beady eye..

Nothing much happening at work at the moment. Kids under duress from exams. Serve 'em right... hahahaks. So it wus, I decided to give you sods an image of disturbing quality.

I leave it up to you sweet readers to decipher the message and ponder upon the scene that follows the above... Mother! It is I! Trolfadlor! Your long lost son! God I love you so much, mother!


We Are Returned!

Aye... its been a long lay-off indeed. Those who wished, during my hiatus, that I might be struck down... sorry ta disappoint y'all. For We Are Returned!

Eventful indeed. In-camp training shenanigans. The mighty doldrums in anticipation of the fight finale during the installation defense. And not forgetting, the constant presence of testosterone all around during the whole time. Yes. Dicks. No shortage of said organ. A female-paradise some would say. A mobile sperm bank to others. Enuff with the damned sobriquet.

In short, during the whole stint I wus unceremoniously lifted to the position of OC (Overal Command) Troop. Received my marksmanship. Subjected to a blanket party.
Now I is back with unholy vengeance!


Exercise Scorpius

Salutations sods,

Well, September sure wus a fruitful month for me in terms of the content i put up. October wont see such luxurious amount of post, due to yours truly goin fer his conscription. The call of Emperor Lee cannot be denied!
Yeap..das rite folks. I'm goin ta be constrained in a training camp fer 2 weeks in preparation for "Exercise Scorpius". Das wher i get to kick gurks asses. The opposite might also hold true. I mean, fer bleeding sake, these guys are GURKS! Synonymous with infernal clowns & steroid-induced silverbacks. Fug it! For i shall know NO fear!

I'll update every weekend if my fingers are still intact by then. For the Emperor! For EK5A!


Whipped-Cream Champion in 3 Secs

Well, here is I. When I mentioned Thursday on me last post, I actually meant Sunday. er. yeah. with that out, lets move on. Stop looking at me in askance.

Weekend... had me Kyokushin class yesterday. Afterwhich me and me battle-brother decided ta hook up & chill at our former haunt. Starbucks. Needin our caffeine fix after a month o' lay-off. After getting me peripherals, we managed ta secure prime seats in the joint. Got me Iced Americano, while Zee got the same, sans ice.
As we be sippin our coffee, along came this couple and planted their yellow asses beside our spot. A lil lass & her daddy. Sounds like any normal sight now innit? Well, lemme tell you sods, it is far from "normal". We wus actually minding our own creepy business when sudden the lil girl announced, "I'm a WHIPPED-CREAM CHAMPION!".
The hell.
Me & Zee wus like stunned fer a sec or 2. 3 seconds in, we wus laughin our stinkin malay-asses off. Shit, she's da whipped-cream Champion?! I wus like, "Damn girl! You be only 7...9 at the most. Too young ta be whippin our cream!"
Heh, due to that proclaimation, us both were like crackin up... talkin about how the future gen. is screwed up, growin up being pole-dancers, tossin salad..and yeah whippin cream.

Thought that wus the end o it? Hell, we jus half way there yo. Laughters finally died down. All manner o perverse thoughts dissipated. Bleedin Champion jus had ta open her mouth. Yeah. She did. This time 'round twas, "I can finish this off in 3 sec!"




Das all she needs ta finish us men and leave us traumatised, quavering like we shat our pants. Ponder upon that sods.

Welcome the future generation o Singapore.