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Somewhere in the month of September, me and two comrades took out the kids for dinner. Glad to know that the maxim "There's a kid in everyone" still holds true.

the great escalator escapade

District 9 kicks all kinds of asses. Plot looks simple but the meanings are deep. Stop all the hatin'. Peace with the Prawns! + prawns plasma-rifle owns. 'Nuff said.

Whereas 9 can own my 'roids. Do not watch it unless you feel the urgent need to waste money AND approx. 70mins of your life. So much potential, screwed up by a clueless plot. Tim Burton ladies and gents. Sod off!

This one? Jin Notti? Well, it's about a female Jinn, named Notti. She doesn't like to do naughty things. Indeed.

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