
Sitrep Fridays

Damn..if this keeps up I and I have ta change it to Sitrep Saturdays.

  • My grand cogitator machine has been given the proper rites and rituals by the infamous Enginseer Bob. May the machine spirit not fuck me no more.
  • The Koh Samui Compliance Campaign is in motion now. The final roll call is: Tony, Ricky(Daemon King), Daddy, Unca Johnny, Jesper, Benson, and two new initiates Hafiz & Jerric. They will be anointed in due time. And last but definitely not the least, yours truly. Sadly Enginseer Bob has pulled off from the campaign due to certain circumstances.
    The date of deployment will be on the 12th - 16th June.

  • I and I have been working on some images which be used to display the awesomeness and shit like that. Will give y'all maggots a taste of it all in due time seen.

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