

Finally, the weekend comes. And not a moment too soon. Helping out with the P1 orientation and Prize giving ceremony. Kept telling the comperes to relax when giving out the speeches. The whole shindig pretty much went smoothly for my part. Heck i care even if it didnt. During the lunch buffet in the library talked with some o the teachers. Apparently, a handful is bailing outta the school. Leaving for greener pastures hahaks.

Towards the end of the day, the Principal tasked me to create a powerpoint for her on Sequoia trees... thanks for the last-minute work. Really luv it. She asked me why the Sequoia trees have shallow roots, with a weird smirk plastered on her face.
I answered "Cuz the frosted soil makes it hard for the roots to dig deeper, so they jus scour near to the surface for nutrients."
At this point in time i don't even know whether that shit wus true. Apparently it made Mrs P ponder... ahh well, if you can't convince them, confuse them ey?

With work behind me, i started the trek back home. Then detoured to a hair-salon. Got me hair trimmed with some customization. Me mom took it too hard, and literally cried when she saw my hair...

The Warp shall overtake! Laters sods!

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