
malays, mat rep and minahs

Im racist. Such a racist sod that i hate my own race. Especially the ones collectively known as "Mat Reps" & "Minahs"...heh...Goddamn waste of sperms and ova...
Well no more!
I say, stop all this hatin'!
Those maggots sure are the bane of Malay society. But ultimately they are still human beings. Albeit, the sorry excuse ones. Their heresies and blasphemies are drowning my beloved brown people. I realized tho, for me to pursue this justified hatred towards them won't bear me any satisfaction. Why waste energy on hatin'... Enuff with the hatin'...
Just as long as they do not cross my path, I'm coo with their shenanigans. Leave em be. Who knows, they might wipe each other out. I pray us Malays are that lucky.

Sidetrackin' a bit. School will be closin' in 4 days time. Sweetness! A month plus of blissful silence in the campus. Leavin' me alone with my techadept comrade Hengky to our on devices! Woot! To my kid sis, beb just reconcile with ina k...talk it out with her Grace.

Say "NO" to hatin'!

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